Support HacDC When You Order From Amazon

Support HacDC when you buy from By using our Amazon Affiliate link (especially during the impending synchronized gifting season) you can contribute to HacDC every time you order from This will set a cookie that will persist for 24 hours or until you use another organization’s affiliate link.

If you want to always donate a portion of purchases to HacDC, a browser plugin (Firefox | Chrome) can automate this for you and make it permanent until you change settings or disable the plugin. Use tag hacdc-20 in the plugin settings for USA. Those who use Amazon Smile can also assign part of the sale to HacDC by updating their Smile settings to support “Hacdc.” A combined affiliate + Smile URL would include:

This is not an endorsement of over other on-line retailers. Shop around for the best deal or shop at stores you’d like to support. If you choose the latter, you can still donate to HacDC in other ways! 🙂

EDIT 4/10/15: Updated Chrome plugin URL. Added information for Amazon Smile.